Academic Research

“We are not one person. There is no ‘I am,’ but many ‘I’s’ coming from numerous places within us.”
― George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff
Academic Research

“We are not one person. There is no ‘I am,’ but many ‘I’s’ coming from numerous places within us.”
― George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff
Academic Research Papers
Reed II, A. (2024). What moral identity and competing selves can add to moral foundations theory: Comment on Ramos, Johnson, VanEpps & Graham (2024). Journal of Consumer Psychology, 34, 541–547.
Shang, Jen, Americus Reed, II, Adrian Sargeant and Kathryn Carpenter (forthcoming), “Market Place Donations: The Role of Moral Identity Discrepancy and Gender,” Journal of Marketing Research.
Reed II, Americus, Adam Kay, Stephanie Finnel, Karl Aquino and Eric Levy (2016), “I Don’t Want the Money, I Just Want Your Time: How Moral Identity Overcomes the Aversion to Giving Time to Pro-Social Causes” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol 110(3)
Bolton, Lisa, Amit Bhattacharjee, and Americus Reed II (2015) “The Perils of Marketing Weight-Management Remedies and the Role of Health Literacy,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing: Spring 2015, Vol. 34, No. 1
Lenoir, Anne-Sophie, Stefano Puntoni, Americus Reed II and Peeter W.J. Verlegh (2013). “The impact of cultural symbols and spokesperson identity on attitudes and intentions,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30(4)
Bhattacharjee, A., Jonathan Berman, and Americus Reed, II. (2013). “Tip of the hat, wag of the finger: How moral decoupling enables consumers to admire and admonish,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39(6)
Reed, Americus II, Mark Forehand, Stefano Puntoni, & Luke Warlop (2012). “Identity-based consumer behavior,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29(4)
Finnel, Stephanie, Americus Reed II, and Karl Aquino (2011) “Promoting Multiple Policies to the Public: The Difficulties of Promoting War and Promoting Foreign Humanitarian Aid at the Same Time” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 30(2)
Lodish, Len and Americus Reed II, (2011) “When is Less More and How Much More? Thoughts on the Psychological and Economic Implications of Online Targeting and Obtrusiveness,” Invited Discussant Paper, Marketing Science, 30(3)
Forehand, Mark R., Andrew Perkins and Americus Reed II (2011), “When are automatic social comparisons not automatic? The effect of cognitive systems on user imagery-based self-concept activation.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21(1)
Hardy, Sam, Amit Bhattacharjee, Americus Reed, II and Karl Aquino (2010) “Moral Identity and Psychological Distance: The Case of Adolescent Parental Socialization,” Journal of Adolescent Research. 33
Aquino, Karl, Dan Freeman, Americus Reed II, Vivien Lim and Will Felps (2009) “Testing a Social-Cognitive Model of Moral Behavior: The Interactive Influence of Situations and Moral Identity Centrality” Forthcoming, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97(1)
Verona, Edelyn, Naomi Sadeh, Steve Case, Americus Reed II and Amit Bhattacharjee (2008) “Self-Reported Use of Different Forms of Aggression in Late Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood” Assessment, 15 (4)
Shang, Jen, Americus Reed, II and Rachel Croson (2008), “Identity Congruency Effects on Donations,” Journal of Marketing Research, 45(3)
Bolton, Lisa E., Americus Reed II, Kevin Volpp and Katrina Armstrong (2008) “How Does Drug And Supplement Marketing Affect A Healthy Lifestyle?” Journal of Consumer Research 34(5)
Aquino, Karl, Americus Reed II, Stefan Thau, and Dan Freeman (2007) “A Grotesque and Dark Beauty: How Moral Identity and Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement Influence Cognitive and Emotional Reactions to War,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43
Reed II, Americus, Karl Aquino, and Eric Levy (2007) “Moral Identity and Judgments of Charitable Behaviors.” Journal of Marketing 71(1)
Verona, Edelyn, Americus Reed II, John Curtin and Michele Pole (2007) “Gender differences in emotional and overt/covert aggressive responses to stress.” Aggressive Behavior, 33(1)
Eder, Paul, Karl Aquino, Carl Turner and Americus Reed II (2006) “Punishing Those Responsible For the Prison Abuses at Abu Ghraib: The Influence of the Negative Reciprocity Norm (NRN).” Political Psychology, 27(6), Lead Article.
Cohen, Joel B. and Americus Reed II (2006a) “A Multiple Pathway Anchoring and Adjustment (MPAA) Model of Attitude Generation and Recruitment.” Journal of Consumer Research, 33(1), 1-15. Lead Article with invited commentaries. * Winner 2009 JCR Best Article Award.
Aquino Karl, Marcus Stewart and Americus Reed II (2005) “How Social Dominance Orientation and Job Status Influence Perceptions of African-American Affirmative Action Beneficiaries.” Personnel Psychology, 58
Bolton, Lisa E and Americus Reed II (2004), “Sticky Priors: The Perseverance of Identity Effects on Judgment” Journal of Marketing Research, 41(4), November
Reed II, Americus (2004), “Activating the Self-Importance of Consumer Selves: Exploring Identity Salience Effects on Judgments” Journal of Consumer Research, 31, (2) 286-295. Honorable Mention for the Ferber Award, Best JCR paper based on a dissertation.
Wooten, David B. and Americus Reed II (2004), “Playing it Safe: Susceptibility to Normative Influence and Protective Self-Presentation.” Journal of Consumer Research. 31(3)
Reed II, Americus and Karl Aquino (2003), “Moral identity and the expanding circle of moral regard towards out-groups.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 84(6)
Aquino, Karl and Americus Reed II (2002). “The Self-importance of Moral Identity.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 83(6)
Forehand, Mark R., Rohit Deshpande and Americus Reed II (2002). “Identity salience and the influence of differential activation of the social self-schema on advertising response.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(6)
Reed II, Americus (2002). “Social Identity as a Useful Perspective for Self-concept based Consumer Research.” Psychology and Marketing, 19(3), Lead Article
Reed II, Americus, David B. Wooten and Lisa E. Bolton (2002). “The temporary construction of consumer attitudes”. Journal of Consumer Psychology. 12(4)
Wooten, David B. and Americus Reed II (2000). “A Conceptual Overview of Self-Presentational Concerns and Response Tendencies in Focus Groups.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9(3)
Wooten, David B. and Americus Reed II (1998). “Informational Influence and the Ambiguity of Product Experience: Order Effects on the Weighting of Evidence.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 7(1)
Aquino, Karl and Americus Reed II (1998). “A Social Dilemma Perspective on Cooperative Behavior in Organizations: The Effects of Scarcity, Communication, and Unequal Access on the Use of a Shared Resource.” Group and Organization Management. 23(4)

Reed II, A. and Forehand, M. (2019) Handbook of Research on Identity Theory in Marketing. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Other articles
Chapters in books and Short Research Reports
Reed, II Americus and Mark R. Forehand (2016), “The Ebb and Flow of Consumer Identities: The Role of Memory, Emotions and Threats,” In Current Opinion in Psychology, Volume 10, August
Boegershausen, Johannes, Karl Aquino and Americus Reed II (2015). “Moral identity.” In Current Opinion in Psychology, Volume 6:162–166.
Reed, II Americus and Mark Forehand (2012). Consumer Identity and Purchase Behavior. In J. Alba (Ed.), Consumer Insights: Findings from Behavioral Research, Marketing Science Institute (MSI).
Angle, Justin W., Mark Forehand and Americus Reed II (2012), “When Does Identity Salience Prime Approach and Avoidance: A Balance Congruity Model,” In A. Ruvio and R. Belk, editors, Identity and Consumption.
Reed, II Americus, Joel B. Cohen and Amit Bhattacharjee (2009), “When brands are built from within: A social identity pathway to liking and evaluation.” Debbie MacInnis, C. Whan Park and Joe Priester, (Eds.) New Frontiers in Branding: Attitudes, Attachments and Relationships: Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference.
Aquino, Karl, Americus Reed, II, Marcus Stewart and Debra Shapiro (2005), “Self-Regulatory Identity Theory and Reactions Toward Fairness Enhancing Organizational Policies.” S. Diener, Ed. What Motivates Fairness in Organizations? Research in Social Issues in Management
Bennett, Rebecca, Karl Aquino, Americus Reed II and Stefan Thau (2005), “The Normative Nature of Employee Deviance and the impact of Moral Identity.” In S. Fox and P. Spector (Eds.) Counterproductive Work Behavior: Investigations of Actors and Targets. Washington, DC: APA.
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