TV and Media Coverage

Riding the WAVE: An Inside Look at Wharton’s Revolutionary Virtual Classroom

As someone who has always been drawn to the intersection of innovation and education, I was instantly captivated by Wharton’s Academic Virtual Environment (WAVE) Classroom. The WAVE Classroom is not just a technological marvel; it’s a vision of what education can be in an interconnected world. Being involved in this initiative has allowed me to connect with students across the globe, transcending traditional limitations and embracing a new frontier of learning. This is the classroom of the future, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.

Revolutionizing the Learning Experience

My time with WAVE has opened my eyes to the possibilities of virtual learning. Already embraced by participants in Wharton’s renowned Global Youth program and MBA Program for Executives, WAVE is more than a platform. It’s a community, a fully connected environment that goes beyond physical boundaries to create a tangible, immersive experience.

One of the aspects of WAVE that excites me the most is its ability to foster real-time interactions and meaningful connections. Through WAVE, I’ve been able to engage with students as if we were in the same room, creating an intimate learning experience. Whether it’s a guest lecture or a deep discussion, WAVE has brought life to virtual learning like never before.


The Wharton Academic Virtual Environment (WAVE) Classroom is more than an innovative platform; it’s a symbol of where education is heading. I invite you to join me on this exciting journey, as we ride the WAVE to new horizons of learning, engagement, and global connectivity.

Your thoughts, questions, and feedback are always welcome. Let’s continue to innovate and inspire together.
